Expansion Update: Skylights

The roof on the new contemporary gallery building has reached the halfway point in its construction. More than 400 of the skylight glasses are installed, and the skylight is expected to be fully complete by the end of June.

Top view of the North Wing construction from June 6, 2014

Top view of the North Wing construction from June 6, 2014

Roofing work continues on the ventilator building, which will house our new 500-seat amphitheater hotshop.

The Amphitheater Hot Shop

The Amphitheater Hot Shop

And finally, a unique sneak peek at what the galleries look like from inside right now. When the North Wing contemporary galleries open in December, the floor will remain concrete and the walls will be white plaster. The natural daylight will be filtered by the skylights.

A peek inside the gallery

A peek inside the gallery

See more photos at www.cmog.org/expansion.

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