Be a Teen Volunteer

Today’s post comes from one of our Teen Volunteers. Laura is currently a freshman at Corning East High School.

Laura Storms

Laura Storms, Teen Volunteer at the Museum

Hello, my name is Laura Storms. I am from Corning, New York. I have been volunteering at the Corning Museum of Glass for 4 months now. It has been a great experience to volunteer at the Museum.

There are tons of jobs that you can volunteer for at the Museum. I have helped out at Little Gather and the You Design It; We Make It station throughout the summer, as well as helped out at Family Night, Families Explore, and Super Scout Saturday. Little Gather is an event for families and summer kids programs held in the Museum auditorium. For Little Gather I guided people to their assigned carpet, helped the performers get the crowd going, or held the doors for people on the way out.

The You Design It; We Make It station is where visitors of all ages can sketch a design that the glass blowers could potentially make during a special show. For the You Design It; We Make It station I cleaned up tables, restocked papers, and explained what you do at the station.

At Family Night, Families Explore and Super Scout Saturday, I ran a craft station where I explained how to do the crafts and helped visitors if they needed it. These have all been very fun and exciting experiences.

Mega Bubble Man

Mega Bubble Man at Little Gather

While doing these jobs, I had the opportunity to meet a whole bunch of different people. At Little Gather I had the chance to meet Doc Possum, Tom Knight, the Mega Bubble Man, and a Scientific Magic explainer. At the You Design It; We Make It station I met people from all over the world. I met families from India, China, Japan, France, Asia, and England. Through the way they spoke and through their drawings you could see their culture. It was an amazing experience meeting all of these different people from different talents, cultures, and places.

What inspired me to go out and volunteer is the thought of helping my community and getting to work at an awesome museum. It makes me feel great to know that I can make a big difference in a community by helping someone in it. It is also really cool to be able to work in a museum that is featuring the history of glass making, and has all glass exhibits. It’s a really cool job to have and a privilege to be able to do it.

Interested in volunteering? Please call us at 607.438.5286 or email

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