Being a Junior Curator

Devin Cook receiving his Junior Curator certificate from Gallery Educator Bonnie Wright
Today’s post is from Junior Curator Devin Cook.

Before I began the CMoG Junior Curator program I knew that it was a great opportunity for learning about different art forms (I am looking into making a career out of illustration) and also just something that would look good on my résumé. But I wasn’t so sure about what it would be like to spend several months on such a project.

However, being a person who gets excited about really anything I have in-depth knowledge of, it soon became a fantastic way to spend a Thursday.

For Week One we got a front row seat at the Hot Glass Show and a tour of The Studio (glassworking school) of the Museum.  We also learned about glass properties and terminology, which actually gave me a great idea for a band name: Punty Connection.

The Junior Curators’ job is to design a glass exhibit each year at The Studio.  We were shown four cases full of a variety of pieces that we were free to use.  We looked at these for a few days, and thought of a cavalcade of ideas for themes (pantheon of deities, space travel, the human figure, etc.).

Now, fast forward to May 3rd – our motley group of misfits have settled on the theme of “Cups” (I have very few hard feelings for my space and pantheon of the gods themes being turned down).  We then commenced our numerous votes to determine things like the title and signage. As for the title, we decided on, Cups o’ Plenty: Half Full or Half Empty?

The signage involved figuring out what to say, how to say it and what illustrations and colors should be used to drive the point home.  This occurred directly after the laborious task of arranging the glass pieces in our case.

Now was time for the grand opening!  The signs all looked great, and the food we chose for the event was delicious!

At the exhibition opening for Cups o' Plenty

I wish the best to anyone planning on going into an art career (glass or otherwise) and also to anyone planning on taking this class next year!

Learn more about the Museum’s teen programs, including Junior Curators.

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