A Message of Healing: Local Cultural Organizations Need You!

“The violent, unfolding events of the past weeks in Ukraine are yet another inflection point in a challenging, stressful, and exhausting journey we have traveled together as a global community in the past two years.

“At times such as this, during difficult circumstances, we must look for ways to bring hope and optimism into our lives. I have taken great comfort in convening and collaborating with my peers at Southern Finger Lakes area cultural institutions. Together, we’ve crafted the statement below, encouraging our community to find the solace, healing, and joy that comes from the arts.”

Karol B. Wight
President and Executive Director, The Corning Museum of Glass

Guests to the Museum find quiet moments to reflect and find beauty when experiencing the art.

A Message of Healing

We believe—individually and collectively—in the power of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and the arts. We have always understood what an outlet they can be for reflection and personal expression, for cultural storytelling, and for conveying emotions. Cultural institutions serve important roles as community centers and are a place of respite in challenging times. Although we were deemed “non-essential” for a period of time, we are essential to the next steps in our communal healing process.

We invite you to experience history, art, drama, music, and the beauty of the natural world in your community. It is time to come together once again to enjoy the unique shared experiences offered by the arts and cultural attractions in our region. The nine organizations listed below offer something for everyone and have each worked hard to make sure your experience is as safe as possible. Your local organizations need you – but more importantly, you need the healing power of the arts!

We hope you will consider a visit to a nearby cultural institution to get lost in the moment, find peace, and to feel better. Just feel better.

“It is Believed that Art Can Heal The Mind, Soul, And Body.” Collecttivovv Team, January 9, 2021

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