An immersive research opportunity for scholars

The David Whitehouse Research Residency for Artists was introduced last year as an opportunity for the artists who have said, “I just really want to spend time in Corning doing research, being in the Library, meeting people, wandering in the collections.” This year, with the support of a donation from Daniel and Welmoet van Kammen, The Corning Museum of Glass proudly presents a similar opportunity for scholars: The David Whitehouse Research Residency for Scholars.

Rakow Research Library

Rakow Research Library

This residency invites scholars to utilize the extensive holdings of the Rakow Research Library to inform their research about any period of glass. Named for and inspired by David Whitehouse, former Executive Director of The Corning Museum of Glass and a highly-regarded scholar, this opportunity honors his legacy by supporting researchers to make discoveries in the library and collections Whitehouse worked so diligently to build.

This residency joins the Rakow Grant for Glass Research in the Museum’s support for scholars. The Rakow Grant is given as a cash award for a scholar to pursue his or her research. The David Whitehouse Research Residency for Scholars brings a scholar to Corning and hosts the scholar for one to three weeks so he or she may use our resources.

The Rakow Library holds more than 500,000 items in the collection, and close to 200 archival collections. Formats include books, periodicals, audiovisual materials, rare books, trade catalogs, auction catalogs, archives, ephemera, design drawings, photographs, maps, and much more. Some examples are:

  • The Karen Chambers and Paul Hollister Archives: This is a rich resource on contemporary and Studio artists. Scholars can find artist interviews, more than 10,000 artist files, design drawings, and a number of artist archives (Josh Simpson, Paul Stankard, Marvin Lipofsky, Paul Marioni, to name a few). Additionally, there is a multitude of books, articles, and audiovisual materials (for all of the topics in this list). Similar collections for earlier artists such as Frederick Carder and Rudolf and Leopold Blaschka are also available.
  • There is an expansive collection of information and ephemera relating to industrial glass: archives and records for companies like Fenton, Hawkes, Corning Glass Works, and more. There are trade catalogs and journals for a large number of companies, and oral histories with people who worked in Corning Glass Works and Steuben.
  • For those interested in science and technology, the Rakow is home to a collection of rare books and trade literature related to optics, and archival collections and information related to the 200-inch disk.

“It is a bit of a luxury to have the confidence that, as a last resort, any book, paper or article, no matter how obscure, can probably be tracked down by the staff of the Rakow.” – Paul Engle, independent researcher

Beyond the Rakow Research Library, scholars will have access to The Corning Museum of Glass, home to the world’s most comprehensive and celebrated collection of glass, with works dating back 3,500 years. The Museum’s expert staff will be available to scholars to help them navigate, understand, and discover.

Rakow Research Library Reading Room

Rakow Research Library Reading Room

Scholars’ work is supported by the residency manager to ensure that their needs are facilitated, and research goals are realized. “I’m thrilled that we can support artists and scholars alike,” said Amy Schwartz, director of The Studio and the person responsible for implementing the new residencies.

To be considered for the David Whitehouse Research Residency for Scholars, applications and supporting materials must be submitted on our website by August 31 for residencies for 2019.

The David Whitehouse Research Residency for Scholars is unique among CMoG’s varied residency opportunities. Each designed to meet the needs of artists, historians, scientists, researchers, or innovators, our other residencies include The David Whitehouse Research Residency for Artists, Artists-in-Residence at The Studio, the Specialty Glass Residency (by invitation only), and the Instructor Collaborative Residency.

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