Connect with Glass: GlassApp Allows You to Get In On the Conversation

Walking into the Contemporary Art + Design Galleries, visitors will see all kinds of big, beautiful, and thought-provoking pieces. It’s hard not to be curious about the story behind each object. “What was the artist thinking when they created this?” “How was this made?” And even, “How the heck do they move that?”

Browse objects in the new galleries on GlassApp

Browse objects in the new galleries on GlassApp

Find related media and term definitions on GlassApp.

Find related media and term definitions on GlassApp


When you join the Museum’s Wi-Fi network, Corning Incorporated’s new ONETM Wireless Platform, you’ll be automatically directed to GlassApp, a Web-app specifically designed for visitors to use as they are going through the galleries.

GlassApp features “Current Conversations in Glass,” short videos you can watch as you stand in front of the works, giving you behind-the-scenes insights you won’t find on the labels. Videos might highlight a fact about the artist, or a personal connection to the piece shared by someone who works at the Museum. Other videos reveal the intricacies of lighting and installing the objects, while still others feature glassmakers talking about the techniques used to create them.

“The voice of GlassApp is very friendly and engaging,” said Scott Sayre, chief digital officer. “It’s based around conversations and gaining unique insights on the objects in the galleries from a range of different people. GlassApp helps you make personal connections with the works and artists themselves.”

glass app

A visitor using GlassApp in the new Contemporary Art + Design Wing.

Using GlassApp is intended to be very social, and visitors are encouraged to join the conversation by sharing their thoughts and pictures via social media channels. The app will aggregate all of these posts into a current conversation about glass. Visitors will be able to connect with other visitors or share insights with their family and friends. Monitors in the gallery space will also display the social media feed.

“We are reaching people on a device that’s in their pockets,” said Kris Wetterlund, director of education and interpretation. “They already know how to use it. There’s a lot of information to share, and we’re allowing visitors to pick and choose what they want.”

If visitors don’t want to use their phones, iPad stations that contain the exact same content will be available throughout the galleries.

GlassApp will also feature a Today at CMoG section, giving you real-time updates about what is happening at the Museum.

“We hope visitors to the Museum will enjoy using GlassApp to engage with the works in the new Contemporary Art + Design Galleries,” said Sayre, “and will join in on the exciting conversation.”

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