Glass Pilgrim: A conversation with Pietro and Ricardo Ferro

A few years ago, as part of my Glass Pilgrimage, I had the opportunity to speak with Pietro and Riccardo Ferro. These two brothers are not widely known outside of the island of Murano, but they have a hand in the works of many of the better-known Muranese artists.

Some of the Ferro brothers' beautiful finished works.

Some of the Ferro brothers’ beautiful finished works.

The Ferro Brothers are cold-working specialists. Not only do they make their own beautiful work, but they also do the cold-working for several other artists on the island. They gave us a short demonstration of the techniques they use to create their beautiful work, and then sat down for a quick interview. They discussed their grandfather’s background as a master artist and glass designer, and how he set their father and themselves on the path they continue to follow today. While many glass artists (myself included) lack the patience and fortitude required to delve so deeply into the possibilities that cutting and carving through layers of glass can reveal, Riccardo and Pietro embrace the opportunity. This attitude, dedication, and skill is what leads other artists on the island to seek out the Ferro brothers to put their wonderful finishing touches on their own works.

Watch this video about Eric’s visit to Murano:

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