#AskAnArchivist Day is Wednesday, October 5

#AskAnArchivist Day is Oct. 5

#AskAnArchivist Day is Oct. 5

What’s the most popular collection in your archives? How old is the oldest object in your collection? Ask our archivists anything! The Corning Museum of Glass is joining archives, libraries, and museums around the world as a participant in #AskAnArchivist day on Wednesday, October 5. Ask your questions on Twitter using the hashtag #AskAnArchivist and our archivists at the Rakow Research Library will answer them. Meet the archivists from the Rakow Research Library who will be answering your questions for #AskAnArchivist day.


Mary Anne Hamblen
, Special Collections and Archives Librarian

Mary Anne became the special collections and archives librarian at the Rakow Research Library in 2014. She serves on the Society of American Archivists’ Committee for Advocacy and Public Policy. Mary Anne holds a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science with a concentration in archives from the University of South Carolina.


#AskAnArchivist Sandra Glascock
Sandra Glascock, Assistant Archivist
Sandra joined the Rakow Research Library as the assistant archivist in 2015. She holds a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science with a concentration in archives from Drexel University.



#AskAnArchivist Rebecca HopmanRebecca Hopman, Outreach Librarian, @extabulis
Rebecca joined the Rakow Research Library in 2013 as the outreach librarian. She holds a Master’s degree in Library Science–Archives & Record Management from the University of Maryland. Her research interests include glass steam engines and itinerant glassmakers in the 19th century. Rebecca is currently curating the 2017 exhibition, Curious and Curiouser: Surprising Finds at the Rakow Library, which will be on view at the Library from April 8, 2017, to February 17, 2019.


We’re excited to answer your questions. Be sure to follow #AskAnArchivist on Wednesday, October 5.

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