#AskACurator Day is Wednesday Sept 16

Ask us anything! The Corning Museum of Glass is joining more than 500 museums around the world for #AskACurator Day on Twitter on Wednesday, September 16.

The curatorial team will be answering questions all day long. Ask the curators questions about their jobs, our collections, exhibitions, or anything else during this live Twitter Q&A. Just tweet your question to @corningmuseum using the hashtag #AskACurator.

We look forward to hearing from you! Here is who will be answering your questions.

Karol Wight, President, Executive Director and Curator of Ancient and Islamic Glass
Karol is a specialist in ancient glass and curated the current exhibition Ennion and his Legacy, the largest ever exhibition of mold-blown glass from Ancient Rome.

Tina Oldknow, Senior Curator of Modern and Contemporary Glass
Tina has been the curator of modern glass since 2000 and curated the recently opened Contemporary Art + Design Galleries.

Kelly Conway, Curator of American Glass
A specialist in 19th- and early 20th-century American glass, Kelly Conway joined the Museum as the curator of American glass in 2013.

Glen CookChief Scientist
Glen became chief scientist for the Museum after 16 years at Corning Incorporated as a senior research associate, conducting research in inorganic materials processing and composition.

Alexandra RuggieroCuratorial Assistant
Alexandra has been a curatorial assistant at the Museum since 2012. She is co-curating the 2016 exhibition Fragile Legacy: The Marine Invertebrate Models of Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka.

Tiffany Williams, Luce Curatorial Assistant
With the assistance of the Luce Fund in American Art, Tiffany is at the Museum for one year researching our American cut glass collection.

Ask a Curator Day

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