Tattoo Vase Makes its Mark in 12 Days

Only 12 more days until Tattoo Vase makes it mark in the new Contemporary Art + Design Wing.

Tattoo Vase, designed by Kiki Smith for Steuben Glass, with the assistance of Max Erlacher (engraver), Corning, NY, 2008.4.79. Gift of the artist and Steuben Glass.

Tattoo Vase, designed by Kiki Smith for Steuben Glass, with the assistance of Max Erlacher (engraver), Corning, NY, 2008. Gift of the artist and Steuben Glass. 2008.4.79.

Tattoo Vase, designed by Kiki Smith for Steuben Glass, with the assistance of Max Erlacher (engraver), Corning, NY, 2008, Gift of the artist and Steuben Glass. 2008.4.79.

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