Meet a Museum Glassmaker: Harry Seaman

HarrySeamanHarry Seaman is facility manager at The Studio. He came to The Corning Museum of Glass in 1996, just after graduating Alfred University with his B.F.A., and is dedicated to making sure that the instructors and students have the best possible experience when they’re here.

What do you do here at the museum?

As The Studio facility manager, I spend most of my time working with a team of people caring for the facilities and caring for the needs of our instructors, our students, our renters, and our residents.

Harry Seaman at work

Harry Seaman at work

What made you interested in this position?

I was interested in working at The Studio because of its educational nature and its focus on high quality.

Have you ever taken any classes here?

I’ve taken classes in several types of glassblowing and kiln casting.

Untitled, Harry Seaman

Untitled, Harry Seaman

What was your last project?

I don’t make very much work anymore. I choose to spend most of my time focusing on my family but when it comes to being creative, I’m very very lucky to have a job that allows me, as a part of my duties, to be creative, to build things, and to teach and work with glass.

What is your favorite food?

Pasta and pesto.

If you could have any one superpower what would it be?

Probably the ability to fly.

If you were in a circus what act would you want to be?

I’d be the grand finale.

Do you have a favorite piece in the collection?  

No one piece. There are so many wonderful pieces of glass in the Museum, and to pick just one is impossible.

What is your favorite part of the museum?

My favorite part of the Museum is The Studio. Not just because I work here, but my passion is making things, so, being in a place where things are being made, actively, and people are learning to make things better and are being exposed to new ways of making things, that’s the most exciting part of the Museum.

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