The Cat, Isamu Noguchi, Steuben Glass Inc, Corning, NY, 1939. Gift of Harry W. and Mary M. Anderson in memory of Carl G. and Borghild M. Anderson and Paul E. and Louise Wheeler. 89.4.31.

The Cat, Isamu Noguchi, Steuben Glass Inc, Corning, NY, 1939. Gift of Harry W. and Mary M. Anderson in memory of Carl G. and Borghild M. Anderson and Paul E. and Louise Wheeler. 89.4.31.

The Cat, Isamu Noguchi, Steuben Glass Inc, Corning, NY, 1939. Gift of Harry W. and Mary M. Anderson in memory of Carl G. and Borghild M. Anderson and Paul E. and Louise Wheeler. 89.4.31.

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