Meet a Museum Glassmaker: Jessi Moore

Jessi Moore has been blowing glass for thirteen years. She works mostly with groups who visit The Studio; she also does her own work using different glass techniques.

Jessi Moore

Jessi Moore

What do you do here at the Museum?

I do a variety of tasks so my job is always changing. I do a lot of work with groups that want to experience glassmaking and I also work with the education department on more extended programs. My team does programs for a variety of ages. We run a class for high school students from the High School Learning Center which is an alternative high school here in town, we do an intensive four-day class for a group of retirees organized through Road Scholars. We even work with third graders in the local schools creating glass according to their designs. When they visit we tie their science and math curriculum to the glass show. It’s really varied, I also do a little bit of web content and behind-the-scenes stuff on the computer.

What made you interested in this position?

The thing that I like a lot about the job is that it’s always different. So every time I come to work there’s something new which is really great.

Are you currently working on any of your own projects?

I’m working on a smaller series of objects combining pâte de verre and metal.

Do you have a favorite glassmaking process or technique?

I think glassblowing is almost as enjoyable to watch as it is to do. It’s very engaging and rewarding, but I also think that some of the stuff that isn’t quite as flashy is also rewarding, for example glass casting, so I would have to say I like all of it.

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Is there a process or technique that you haven’t done yet but would want to try?

Engraving. I haven’t done any engraving ever, but we have such great equipment here that eventually I think I’ll have to try it.

What is your favorite food?

Hot wings.

If you could have any one superpower what would it be?


If you were in a circus what act would you like to be?

I think I would have to opt out of the circus. Clowns freak me out a little bit.

Who is your favorite glass artist?

My favorite artist that uses glass is Maya Lin. She designed the Vietnam War Memorial in D.C. and she’s also done a lot of sculptural installations, many of them include glass.

What is your favorite piece?

I don’t know if I can pick a favorite one but a few of the ones that I really like are the Donald Lipski piece called Farm Tool located at Corning Incorporated’s headquarters and Karen LaMonte’s dress that’s in our collection.

Read posts written by Jessi on the blog.

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