Meet a Museum Glassmaker: Jackie Brandow

Jackie Brandow was one of the only Studio assistants that did not have a background in glass upon applying for the job, but that didn’t stop her. Trained right at the Museum’s Studio, Jackie has been working for the past 11 years helping visitors with their own glassmaking experience.

At the Make Your Own Glass hot shop, Jackie helps a guest blow a glass ornament.

At the Make Your Own Glass hot shop, Jackie helps a guest blow a glass ornament.

What do you do here at the Museum?

I’m actually an “assistant,” so I do a little bit of everything. I do some of the processing and the shipping of Make Your Own Glass items, I work on the flameworking bench, and I work on the hot glassmaking end. I get to do a little bit of everything!

What made you interested in this kind of position?

Jackie Brandow flameworking.

Jackie Brandow flameworking.

I’ve always liked the artistic end it, and I was at the right place at the right time. I was ready to go back to work and I knew a little bit about what was going on over here at The Studio. It was one of those things that just fell into place.

What has been your favorite glassmaking experience?

Definitely working with the hot glass and sculpting. As much as I like to blow the glass, there’s something about getting your hands on it.

Tell us about any projects you’re working on.

Basically, finding new things for us to do. We try to go through and find different glassmaking projects that we can do easily with the guests that come in. So we spend a lot of our time just practicing and looking for ways to make it easier in order for us to expand and offer new things for people who may not have worked with glass before to try.

Evening Dress with Shawl, Karen LaMonte, Zelezny Brod, Czech Republic, 2004. Gift in part of the Ennion Society. 2005.3.21.)

Evening Dress with Shawl, Karen LaMonte, Zelezny Brod, Czech Republic, 2004. Gift in part of the Ennion Society. 2005.3.21.

What is your favorite piece at the museum?

It’s always has been the glass dress (Evening Dress with Shawl, Karen LaMonte, Zelezny Brod, Czech Republic, 2004. Gift in part of the Ennion Society. 2005.3.21.) It’s always been my favorite piece. Always.

What is your favorite food?

Fruits, any fruits.

If you could have any one superpower, what would it be?

Probably the ability to hear more, like super-hearing.

What is your favorite part of the museum?

Well, definitely us [Make Your Own Glass]. Because it’s nice when people can go to the Museum and get the history and the background of glass, but when they get to come over and get their hands on it, that’s what’s really cool.

Jackie Brandow has been working with visitors in the Studio for 11 years.

Jackie Brandow

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