Kids and Family Programs at CMoG

Families Explore: Beads

This Sunday, October 27, from 12-4pm, experience the cultural history of beads and beadmaking. Tour the Museum’s major exhibition, Life on a String: 35 Centuries of the Glass Bead, using a family activity sheet. Decorate and trade beads at our trading station, make your own beads out of paper, and practice bead weaving on a loom. See a performance and dance with the Allegany River Dancers at 2pm and enjoy live demonstrations by Iroquois beadworkers throughout the day. You can even learn about careers related to beads.

More information can be found here.

Glass Camp

For those of you still reminiscing about summer, read about the activities this year’s new 12-13 year old Art Expert Glass Camp enjoyed. This camp focused on glass art throughout history.

From August 5-9, our Art Experts…

Colored plastic plates and melted them to become replicas of Dale Chihuly’s Macchia Series.

Fused beads together with a household iron to replicate the process of fusing glass murrine slices together.

Watch this video to understand the glassmaking process.

Explored the Museum’s special exhibition, Life on a String: 35 Centuries of the Glass Bead.

Exploring the Life on a String exhibition.

Exploring the Life on a String exhibition.

Made polymer clay trade beads, similar to the styles of beads in the show.

Polymer clay trade beads

Polymer clay trade beads

And made flameworked glass beads in the Make Your Own Glass workshop.

Flameworking glass beads at The Studio.

Flameworking glass beads at The Studio.

Read about the adventures of this year’s camp for 9-11 year olds here.

We hope to see you this Sunday at Families Explore: Beads!

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