Green Museum: LED Lighting

The Corning Museum of Glass is getting a little brighter, a little wiser, and much more efficient as energy saving light fixtures have begun to make their appearance on the Museum campus. As part of our green initiatives strategy, the Museum is improving the quality of light sources throughout, replacing aging incandescent bulbs with much more capable LED and compact fluorescent bulbs and tubes.

LED and compact fluorescent bulbs will replace current bulbs

There are two key benefits that this transition provides: lifespan and energy savings. The average documented lifespan of an incandescent bulb is 1,200 hours, and, while that may seem extensive, consider that the typical duration of a compact fluorescent bulb or tube can be more than 8,000 hours. Better yet, compare both of these figures to the possible savings that a LED light delivers, lasting for an extraordinarily long and incredibly efficient 50,000 serviceable hours. Lighting technology has evolved by leaps and bounds, and the prospects provided by these new fixtures will help the Museum save essential time and resources.

Energy use is the main reason to upgrade fixtures. For example, one incandescent bulb can consume a possible 3,285 KWh per year, while, in comparison, the much more able and cutting-edge LED uses only 329 KWh per year, an immediate savings of over 90% in energy usage. These simple margins clearly show the promise that more efficient bulbs provide in reducing waste and promoting an environmentally friendly atmosphere.

The CMoG operations staff will be placing a variety of LED and compact fluorescent lamps around the Museum to determine what works best for each individual application.  Areas like the GlassMarket can be lit with a brighter/whiter light, while the lamps in the galleries provide a soft/warm light. The Museum continues to review and test new lamps as they emerge on this ever changing and evolving market.

Read about the first stained glass window in the galleries to be lit with LED lighting – Greener Galleries.

And learn more about the Museum’s Green Initiatives

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