New Glass Review 33 Now Online

Works selected for the 33rd volume of New Glass Review (2011) are now available to view online in the Museum’s searchable browser at

Published by The Corning Museum of Glass, New Glass Review is an annual survey of glass in contemporary art, architecture, craft, and design created in the previous year by emerging and established artists, as well as students. The works are chosen by a changing jury of curators, artists, designers, art dealers, and critics.
The works most recently added were chosen by jurors Eric Meek, artist and Hot Glass Show supervisor, The Corning Museum of Glass; Andrew Page, editor, GLASS: The UrbanGlass Art Quarterly, Brooklyn, New York; Ché Rhodes, associate professor and head of Studio Glass, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky; and Tina Oldknow, curator of modern glass, The Corning Museum of Glass.

“The intensity of it all left me with a new appreciation for the sheer diversity of work being made in glass today,” said Andrew Page in his juror’s statement.

Vestiges, Sachi Fujikake (Japan). Hot-worked glass. H. 42 cm, W. 140 cm, D. 80 cm

Vestiges, Sachi Fujikake (Japan). Hot-worked glass. H. 42 cm, W. 140 cm, D. 80 cm

100 new images of important contemporary sculptures, vessels, and other works in glass by emerging and established artists from October 1, 2010, to October 1, 2011, have been added to the digital collection of all selected works starting with volume one from 1979.

New images of works selected for New Glass Review are added to the online collection one year after publication of the volume.

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