The Breathing Peddle

Michal Harada, a dancer, yoga teacher and a student in Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem recently traveled to The Studio to study flameworking with Emilio Santini and Simone Crestani.

Harada is pursuing her degree in glass and sculpture. While at The Studio, she shared part of a performance using glass.


“My interest in glass lies in the potential of using other mediums to reflect the beauty of this substance. These images are a part of a performance of what I call the breathing peddle, reflecting and capture the animate nature of glass as it is created.”

“There is such a huge gap between the final object that you see and the material itself while you work with it. I felt that I want to reflect these things in my work—to be able to bring some of the liveliness of the material into the work.” 


Harada came to study in Corning with assistance from The Studio’s scholarship program. Every summer, The Studio partners with several US and international universities to award a scholarship to a top student. Students are selected by faculty at their own program.  Learn more about Scholarships at The Studio.

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