Transatlantic Glassblowing on the Celebrity Eclipse

In late April, Celebrity Eclipse departed from its winter base in Fort Lauderdale, FL, on a transatlantic voyage. The voyage was to reposition from sailing Caribbean itineraries to a summer homeport in Southampton, England. Celebrity Eclipse arrived in Southampton on May 3.  Our CMoG team of glassblowers on the voyage included Everett Hirche and Dan Alexander. Leading the team was G Brian.

Celebrity Eclipse will remain in Europe through early November. From Southampton, the ship sails Baltic itineraries, stopping as far east as St. Peterburg, Russia. It also sails through the Fjords and a few Mediterranean itineraries.

In November, it will sail back across the Atlantic to Fort Lauderdale to resume its Caribbean sailings for the winter months. Here are some photos from their journey. Learn more about the Hot Glass Show at Sea.

Glass made on Celebrity Eclipse. Photo by Everett Hirche

Glass made on Celebrity Eclipse. Photo by Everett Hirche.

– Dan DeRusha, Hot Glass Outreach Logistics Planner

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