Recent Acquisition: Modernt Svenskt Glas

Modernt Svenskt Glas: Utveckling, Teknik, Form. Professor Gregor Paulsson, editor (Modern Swedish Glass: Development, Technology, Form), Stockholm: Jonson & Winter, [1943], 243 pp. Rakow Research Library, The Corning Museum of Glass. CMGL 57972, Barcode 1000125646.
Modernt Svenskt Glas
 (Modern Swedish Glass: Development, Technology, Form) was published in 1943 for the anniversary of the birth of Edward Hald (1883–1980), a designer at the Swedish glassworks Orrefors and one of the early major contributors to the Swedish art glass movement. Hald introduced the graal technique with fellow Orrefors designer Simon Gate and master glassblower Knut Bergqvist. This acquisition, a generous gift of Museum Fellow Rainer Zietz, is volume number 120 in a limited edition of 300 copies, is now one of two works in the Rakow Library collection with cover boards made of glass. The glass, colorless and with rounded corners, is enhanced by the engraved entwined initials “EE” (for original owner Elsa Ebert). The glass cover was likely produced and engraved at Orrefors.

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Modernt Svenskt Glas: Utveckling, Teknik, Form. Professor Gregor Paulsson, editor (Modern Swedish Glass: Development, Technology, Form), Stockholm: Jonson & Winter, [1943], 243 pp. Rakow Research Library, The Corning Museum of Glass. CMGL 57972, Barcode 1000125646.

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