Get to Know a Gaffer: Chris Rochelle

Chris RochelleChris Rochelle is “addicted to manipulating glass in its fluid form.” While he expresses his creativity through many types of media, he enjoys the unique relationship he has with glass. It demands constant attention, physically and mentally, always leaving him wanting more. Chris began working glass in college, and further developed his skills through internships and assisting part time at the Museum’s Hot Glass Show, and then as an assistant at glass studios in Corning, NY, and in Western Massachusetts.

Chris is among the master glassblowers who work with GlassLab, the Museum’s design program that provides designers with rare access to explore concepts in glass. As a Hot Glass Cruise Ship Demonstrator/Narrator, Chris can be found making glass at the Hot Glass Show around the world onboard Celebrity Cruise ships. He recently returned from a trip that lead him though the Red Sea en route to Australia.

What do you do here at the Museum?
I’m a Gaffer for the Hot Glass Show and Glass Lab projects.

What is the focus of your personal work?
To create well balanced forms, fluid in composition with tight, clean edges has been a constant in most of my work. With that in mind, I try to keep pushing new ideas upon myself while constantly developing skill and technique.

What are you currently working on in your own projects?
Recently exploring the incorporation of my sculptural side with the symmetry of goblets and traditional Venetian forms.

Chris Rochelle working on a design by Marc Thorpe for GlassLab

Chris Rochelle working on a design by Marc Thorpe for GlassLab

What inspires your work?
In much of my artwork, I find myself attempting to make order out of chaos…like taking a snapshot of something that is in constant change. With glass, I thrive on the constant attention it demands to push the boundary between fluid and solid state.

Favorite food?

Work by Chris Rochelle

Goblet by Chris Rochelle

Coke or Pepsi?

Favorite TV show?
Dexter used to be great. Family Guy never gets old.

Favorite place you’ve traveled?
Too many to narrow down to just one, but I will say the one and only time I stepped foot in Copenhagen, I could see myself living there. Sailing the fjords of Norway is high on that list as well.

Lino or Pino?
They both rock

Bicycle or Motorcycle?
Mountain Bike

Batch or cullet?
Having been spoiled on lead crystal, it’s the first thing that pops in to my head when reading this question, but I’d take batch over cullet any day.

Newspaper or steam pad?

See more images of Chris at work.

This post is part of the Get to Know a Gaffer series, highlighting the Museum’s talented team of glassmakers. See them in action at the Hot Glass Show at the Museum, on the road, and at sea on Celebrity Cruises.

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