Top 4 Resources for Teachers at The Corning Museum of Glass

Resources for Teachers at The Corning Museum of GlassToday’s post is from Mary Mills, education programs manager at the Museum.

Teachers: are you eager to take your students beyond the classroom walls and help them prepare for the future? We’re dedicated to helping you. The Museum offers a dynamic and engaging environment for learning. Our school programs align with NYS Common Core standards and enhance literacy by integrating interdisciplinary discovery-based learning with academic and domain-based vocabulary and verbalization.

Here are 4 steps you can take to learn more about our programs and help students excel beyond the classroom.

  1. Come to Evening for Educators on Thursday, November 15, 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm at The Studio. Enjoy this free professional development event for regional educators of all grade levels and subject areas. Education staff will share how the Museum’s school tours address Common Core Shifts and the FOSS science curriculum. We will also give you a glimpse into our exciting North Wing Expansion and discuss upcoming education programs. Be sure to ask your principal if you can receive an hour of in-service credit. Registration is requested. And, stay for our popular free event 2300˚ immediately following.
  2. Visit our website to see School Tour Options, Plan Your Visit, and explore Pre-Visit and Post-Visit Resources. Try making a Collection Set of images, articles and videos for online learning in your classroom. If you don’t see the type of program you have in mind or if you are having a hard time imagining how your curriculum aligns with glass, contact us. We will help you design a tour and age-appropriate activities. We have new exhibitions and program opportunities each year.
  3. Tell your students about Museum programs and encourage them to get involved. Do you have students who are interested in learning more about museums or having careers related to art, history or science? Encourage teens to attend Fire Up Your Future on January 11, 2013 to learn more about our after-school and summer programs. The Families Explore series is great for elementary and middle level students. The program focuses on Science in November, Space in February and Music in March. If you teach high school, we would welcome having your class take a leadership role and share their projects, knowledge and skills with younger visitors. Contact us for more information.
  4. Signup to receive email notifications about Evening for Educators and other educational programs and events at the Museum. Visit and scroll down to the footer. Enter your email address under Join our mailing list and select Educator and School Programs.

We look forward to helping you and your students engage in learning at the Museum.

Students visit The Corning Museum of Glass

Students on a visit at The Corning Museum of Glass.

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