Reinstallation of Evening Dress with Shawl

The Museum’s Favorites! exhibit was recently deinstalled to make way for the upcoming Medieval Glass for Popes, Princes, and Peasants exhibition.

One of the most popular pieces in the exhibit, Evening Dress with Shawl by Karen LaMonte, was recently reinstalled in the Museum’s Crossroads Gallery where it will remain on display.

The dress is cast in five sections, each weighing about 200 pounds. This video shows how a team of four – the Museum’s Conservator, Registrar and two installation team members – worked together to carefully transfer and place each section on a plain white base. According to the Registrar, ” There is a silicone layer on each piece (the artist applied) which makes it impossible to slide the pieces, so you have to line them up and then place them CAREFULLY. You have to be extremely careful when putting the next piece on, as a wrong move will result in a bad chip/break, or serious injury.”

With this piece, lighting is everything. Bunn says “This piece in particular either sings or suffers depending upon lighting. The installation team has a great understanding of how light and glass work, and handle the initial lighting of all of our objects.” The Museum’s Crossroads is full of natural light that gives the admirer the ability to look around the piece as the light shines through it. If you look carefully, you can see the imprint of hands holding the shawl.

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